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Level 1 Documentation

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  • April 21, 2019 8:48 AM
    Reply # 7296659 on 7295869
    Gary Standke wrote:

    Or you can spend $65 for Skills of a Blacksmith, Vol 1, by Mark Aspery and be done in a month. The choice is yours. The "manual is sold separately".

    Don't quit understand this comment....What is sold separately....

    This is where I am at now.... Don't understand why I have to pay Mark $65  for something that should be part of check off for level 1 which I wish to attain....

    I really think this this whole group is not getting  the concept of what I am asking or willing to make changes in what it need to be implemented.... 

    This is becoming a full circle back to Marks book and that is the problem....

    Why does not CBA just publish the pertinent pages for Marks book , don't scream "COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT" because it ain't so.....


  • April 22, 2019 6:37 AM
    Reply # 7297505 on 7296659
    Dale Meisenheimer wrote:
    This is becoming a full circle back to Marks book and that is the problem....

    Why does not CBA just publish the pertinent pages for Marks book , don't scream "COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT" because it ain't so.....

    Publishing that large number of pages would violate Section 2, 3, and 4 of the above code.

  • April 22, 2019 8:10 AM
    Reply # 7297690 on 4891191

    The end,  I quit, certification is no longer my goal....Or to help other get full documentation with out having to buy Marks book.... BUT its not Mark or Mark's book, its about the failure of CBA to provide proper documentation/specifications for the gaining of certification.... The is nothing here certification has to offer me.... 

    System operator please delete full content of this  thread..... Its gone nowhere probably helped very few....

    Dale Meisenheimer

  • April 23, 2019 5:43 AM
    Reply # 7299225 on 4891191

    Please don't delete the thread.  I am new and just got my level one a few months ago.  I found the updated copies of the level 1 & 2 requirements very helpful.  I am no longer in CA, but I would like to continue with my skills through CBA as my current state does not have an association that is as organized as CBA.  If anyone has the level 3 handout redone also, if you could post it here, I would appreciate it.  Keep up the good work CBA!

  • April 23, 2019 5:49 AM
    Reply # 7299244 on 4891191


    The level 1 had some projects that I would like to try and pass on to others in my area.  Do you have a Level 2 from Adams Forge that has additional things that the CBA Level 2 doesn't include? 

  • May 08, 2019 8:02 PM
    Reply # 7330727 on 4891191

    Our handout was revised after Mark's books came out, but I never updated the pictures to the projects from Mark's books so it is a bit confusing. You can see it at:

  • May 09, 2019 6:47 AM
    Reply # 7331329 on 4891191

    Thanks Gary for the outline on Level 2!

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