Login above
LOCATION: Online live streaming via Zoom - Login and password will be provided once you have registered
Fritz Hagist and Jon Sarriugarte will co-host.
CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Paul Boulay, vice-president@calsmith.org
PRICING: Free to CBA members. Only CBA members will be allowed. But you must register to attend
REGISTRATION: Register here (online)
Grab your favorite beverage and chat with your fellow smiths live on Zoom. This is a fun, unstructured, who knows what will happen and who knows who will show up event. After all, it is just 2 days before Halloween. If you have some show and tell items to brag about this is your chance. Hang out for an hour or just pop-in to say Hi! Register so we can send you the Zoom link.
California Blacksmith Association
5505 Santa Cruz Ave.
Richmond, CA 94804
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